Fast Company: More Exxon shareholders are worried about climate change—but the company still isn't


At Exxon Mobil's annual meeting on May 25, shareholders spent much of the time talking about how the company is dealing with (or, more accurately, avoiding) the problem of climate change. It's a question that has come up at meetings for the last two decades. But there were more concerned investors this year—representing $8 trillion in shares—than there ever have been in the past. Something similar happened at the Chevron shareholder meeting the same day.

"Between the pressure from the divestment movement and the increase in engagement from active owners, there are more voices at the table than we've ever seen before," says Natasha Lamb, director of equity research and shareholder engagement at Arjuna Capital, an investment company that brought forward resolutions at both the Exxon and Chevron meetings.


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