Posts tagged Fast Company
Equal Pay Day: These are the best companies for pay equity disclosures in 2023
Gender Pay Equity, Racial Pay Equity, Shareholder ActivismJulia Frostracial pay equity, Gender Pay Equity, racial pay scorecard, gender pay scorecard, Natasha Lamb, Arjuna Capital, Michael Passoff, Proxy Impact, Equal Pay Day, Fast Company
Fast Company: This new Gender Pay Scorecard gives Apple an "A minus" and Facebook a failing grade
Fast Company: Meet the new breed of activist investors who are trying to give Silicon Valley a conscience
FastCompany: Activist investors are forcing Facebook and Google to vote on fake news disclosures
Fast Company: More Exxon shareholders are worried about climate change—but the company still isn't
Carbon Asset Risk, Shareholder EngagementArjuna Capitalbig oil, Carbon Asset Risk, Chevron, climate change, energy, ExxonMobil, Fast Company, Natasha Lamb, shareholder activism, shareholder resolutions