Arjuna Capital’s Natasha Lamb joins Ashley Judd, Chelsea Handler, Chelsea Clinton and other business, academic and political leaders to chart the future of equality and metrics for progress, including economic and societal impact.

New York City, May 8, 2018 - Arjuna Capital Managing Partner Natasha Lamb is now America’s best-known organizer of gender pay equity shareholder resolutions. In the space of just two months in January and February 2018, Lamb convinced eight major banks and credit card companies– financial behemoths including Citigroup, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Bank of New York Mellon, JP Morgan, American Express and MasterCard -- to close their gender pay gaps. Over the past two years, Lamb has convinced scores of other companies including Apple, Ebay, Expedia, Intel, Starbucks, Nike and Costco to produce data that shows they are levelizing gender pay.

Today, Natasha Lamb will join a panel of gender pay experts including Bloomberg reporter Rebecca Greenfield, Fog Creek Software CEO Anil Dash, and PayPal SVP Doneil Sutton to present a session titled: “Closing the Gender Pay Gap.”  For more details, go to: The live stream of the event is available at:

Natasha Lamb said: “I am honored to speak about Arjuna Capital’s recent successes closing the gender pay gap in corporate America at Bloomberg’s Equality Summit. There is no better place to discuss the future of equality than in the company of women leading the Time’s Up movement.  I truly admire the many voices that have drawn international attention to issues of bias and equity, which represent risks and opportunities for investors, respectively.  In such a polarized political environment, it is encouraging to be on a path advancing women’s rights and facilitating more just workplaces across America.”

In 2015, Arjuna Capital created a model shareholder campaign for addressing gender pay issues in the technology sector.  Eight of nine proposals were eventually adopted by tech giants – Alphabet Inc., Amazon, Apple, eBay, Expedia, Adobe, Intel and Microsoft to disclose and close their gender pay gaps. Last year, Arjuna shifted its focus to women in finance.

The financial services sector has been under scrutiny for a lack of female representation in senior roles despite the fact women comprise a majority of employees.  In the UK, where employers, including JPMorgan, are required to publish their gender pay gaps by April, banking peers have reported median pay gaps averaging 24%.

MEDIA CONTACT:  Patrick Mitchell, (202) 441-7647 or