On Point: Will Data Help Close The Gender Pay Gap?


The gender pay gap is closing, but it’s still got a long way to go. We look at big, new, innovative efforts to get women and men the same pay for the same job. Evelyn Murphy, Former Lt. Governor and President of The Wage Project, left, is among the crowd and looks on as Boston Mayor Marty Walsh signs the Boston Women's Workforce Council's 100% Talent Compact during an event at Boston City Hall on Monday, March 28, 2016. (Courtesy Nicolaus Czarnecki/Metro)

You can’t argue that women don’t deserve equal pay for equal work. And yet, we’ve got a persistent gender gap in pay. Seventy-nine cents on the dollar for women says the Census Bureau. Better for some. Worse for others. You can find all kinds of reasons, but a new wave of innovators is saying ‘let’s just close the gap.” They’re using new data, and new approaches to power, and more to get that done. This hour On Point, a new push on the gender wage gap in America.