Washington Post: When shareholders want to talk about pay equality, but companies don’t


Across the country, conversations about the gender pay gap are gaining prominence. In Washington, the Paycheck Fairness Act got a big push from Democrats before ultimately stalling in Congress last year. President Obama also signed two executive actions to boost pay transparency among federal contractors. Meanwhile, in Hollywood, a bizarre cyberattack revealed that even big-name female stars get paid less, prompting actresses to speak out on the disparity — such as Patricia Arquette who gave a rousing speech on equal pay at the Oscars. And in company boardrooms, the issue could get pushed onto annual shareholder meeting agendas. As proxy season begins, three major companies — eBay, ExxonMobil and Wal-Mart Stores — have each been hit with proposals from shareholders calling for them to publicly disclose any pay disparities between male and female employees.


Read the rest of this article at The Washington Post.