Washington Post: Intel finds no pay gap between men and women at the chipmaker


On Wednesday, Intel released what in some ways has become de rigueur for a technology company: Its annual report on diversity. This exercise in public humility, in which tech companies admit to the relatively low numbers of women and minorities in their tech and leadership ranks, generated huge interest when Google did it two years ago, though it has now become standard fare for the industry. But Intel's report goes further than many of the ones shared by its tech giant peers. For one, it publicly discloses its diversity goals -- such as the percentage of new hires that should be women or under-represented minorities -- giving outsiders a way to consider how well they're doing against these metrics. Perhaps more interesting, it revealed Wednesday that the company has no pay gap between U.S. men and women who work at the same job-grade level within Intel.


Read the rest of this article at The Washington Post.