Washington Post: Microsoft and Facebook tout equal pay — but there’s a more glaring problem
Gender Pay EquityArjuna CapitalAmerican Association of University Women, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Equal Pay Day, Facebook, Fair Pay Act, GoDaddy, Lisa Maatz, Microsoft, Natasha Lamb, technology, The Washington Post
Ethical Boardroom: Silicon Valley's gender problem - Closing the pay gap: why a proactive approach is simply good business
Gender Pay EquityNatasha LambAdobe, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Ethical Boardroom, Expedia, Facebook, Gap Inc, GoDaddy, Google, Intel, Journal of Innovation Management Policy & Practice, Microsoft, Natasha Lamb, National Center for Women and Information Technology, Paycheck Fairness Act, Salesforce, Silicon Valley, technology
Arjuna Capital Withdraws Shareholder Proposal As Intel Commits To Gender Pay Equity
Gender Pay Equity, Press ReleaseArjuna CapitalAmazon, Apple, Baldwin Brothers Inc, Facebook, Gap Inc, GoDaddy, Google, Intel, McKinsey & Company, PRNewswire, Salesforce, technology