Posts tagged Silicon Valley
Facebook is 10th of 10 tech companies targeted by shareholder campaign to disclose gender pay gap
Gender Pay Equity, Press Release, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAdobe, Amazon, Apple, Arjuna Capital, eBay, Expedia, gender equity, gender pay equity, Google, Natasha Lamb, shareholder activism, Silicon Valley
SiliconBeat: Google’s alleged gender pay gap: Activist investor pushes parent firm for data, cites Damore memo
LA Times: Have investors allowed tech founders like Uber's Travis Kalanick to grow too powerful?
Gender Pay EquityArjuna Capitalgender inequality, gender pay equity, Los Angeles Times, sexual harassment, shareholder engagement, Silicon Valley, tech industry, Travis Kalanick, Uber, venture capital
Bloomberg: Tech companies tout gender pay equity but balk at transparency
Gender Pay Equity, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAlphabet, Bloomberg, Facebook, gender pay equity, Google, Natasha Lamb, shareholder activism, shareholder engagement, shareholder resolutions, Silicon Valley, technology, women
USA Today: Google says U.S. suit is wrong - it pays women fairly
Gender Pay Equity, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAlphabet, gender pay equity, Google, Natasha Lamb, shareholder activism, shareholder engagement, Silicon Valley, technology, USA Today, women
Gender Pay Equity, Press Release, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAlphabet, gender pay equity, Google, Natasha Lamb, Press Release, shareholder activism, shareholder engagement, Silicon Valley, technology, women
Bloomberg TV: Pushing for pay gap transparency at big banks
Fusion: This activist investor is forcing tech companies to reveal how much they underpay women
Gender Pay Equity, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAlphabet, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Expedia, Facebook, Fusion, gender pay equity, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Natasha Lamb, shareholder activism, Silicon Valley, technology, women
Ethical Boardroom: Silicon Valley's gender problem - Closing the pay gap: why a proactive approach is simply good business
Gender Pay EquityNatasha LambAdobe, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Ethical Boardroom, Expedia, Facebook, Gap Inc, GoDaddy, Google, Intel, Journal of Innovation Management Policy & Practice, Microsoft, Natasha Lamb, National Center for Women and Information Technology, Paycheck Fairness Act, Salesforce, Silicon Valley, technology
TheStreet: Should you sell eBay if the company can't achieve gender pay equality?
Gender Pay Equity, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAdobe, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Expedia, Facebook, gender pay equity, Google, Intel, Microsoft, National Committee on Pay Equity, shareholder activism, shareholder resolutions, Silicon Valley, technology, TheStreet, women
The Guardian: Amazon at odds with SEC over allowing shareholder vote on gender pay gap
Gender Pay EquityArjuna CapitalAmazon, Apple, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Expedia, Intel, Natasha Lamb, Silicon Valley, technology, The Guardian, US Securities and Exchange Commission
The Guardian: Silicon Valley's gender problem extends beyond pay gap
Gender Pay Equity, Shareholder EngagementArjuna CapitalAmazon, Apple, gender pay equity, Intel, Microsoft, shareholder activism, shareholder resolutions, Silicon Valley, technology, women
Showdown On Gender Pay Equity In Silicon Valley: Shareholders Press Seven Tech Giants To Follow Lead Of Intel, Apple On Fair Treatment Of Women
Gender Pay Equity, Press ReleaseArjuna CapitalAdobe, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Expedia, Facebook, Google, Intel, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, Pax World Management, PRNewswire, Proxy Impact, Silicon Valley, technology, The Sustainability Group
A Proactive Approach to Wage Equality Is Good for Business
Gender Pay EquityNatasha LambAnita Borg Institute, AstraZeneca, Dice, eBay, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Facebook, Gap Inc, Google, Harvard Business Review, Microsoft, Natasha Lamb, National Center for Women and Information Technology, National Committee on Pay Equity, Paycheck Fairness Act, Silicon Valley, technology, The McKinsey Global Institute, Twitter, Will Klein, Workplace Gender Equality Agency, Yahoo